Course descriptions

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Level description


The focus of this course is to learn the swinging partner dance: Lindy Hop. 

This course is the perfect introduction to the basics of Lindy Hop and the main goal of the course is to practise leading and following, and prepare you to go social dancing at swing dance parties. 

PLEASE NOTE:  Some of our Swing 1 courses are ELEF (Everybody Leads Everybody Follows). When signing up to an ELEF course, you don’t need to choose whether you are joining as a leader or follower, since you will be dancing both roles in class.

Level Guidance

Swing 1 is a course for complete beginners. No prior dance experience is needed.

Partner Rotation

Please note that there is partner rotation in all our Swing 1 classes to improve the leading  and following skills of the participants.

Class Material Demo

Watch this video to see what to expect on the Beginners Course (Swing 1):


Swing 2 is a continuation from the Swing 1 course (Beginners Course).

We will keep on working on the basic moves and techniques, and we will introduce a new  type of footwork: the 8 count. The main focus of this course will be on learning the famous  Swingout. We will also teach you how to switch between 6-count and 8-count moves in  both groove-walk and triple step rhythm, and how to integrate them into your dancing.  You will also learn the 30s Charleston (the “evolved” version of 20s Charleston, with  kicks), and its basic variations, such as Kick-Through and Hand-to-Hand.

PLEASE NOTE:  Some of our courses are ELEF (Everybody Leads Everybody Follows). When signing up to an ELEF course, you don’t need to choose whether you are joining as a leader or follower, since you will be dancing both roles in class.


Level guidance

You need to complete the Swing 1 course to be able to join this class. If you come from  another school, you need to have at least 2 months of swing dance experience to be able  to join this class.

Class material demo

Watch this video to see what to expect on the Swing 2 course:


Swing 3 is a continuation from the Swing 2 course.

We will add more 8 count moves (e.g. Outside Turn), and styling variations (e.g. Swivels).  We will introduce fast turns on the spot for both followers and leaders. We will teach you  how to do the 6-count moves, which you have previously learned, with the more  fast-paced and energetic kick steps. You will also be introduced to Tandem Charleston  and its basic variations.

PLEASE NOTE:  Some of our courses are ELEF (Everybody Leads Everybody Follows). When signing up to an ELEF course, you don’t need to choose whether you are joining as a leader or follower, since you will be dancing both roles in class.

Level guidance

You need to complete the Swing 2 course to be able to join this class. If you come from  another school, you need to have at least 4 months of swing dance experience to be able  to join this class.

Class material demo

Watch this video to see what to expect on the Swing 3 course:


Swing 4 is a continuation from the Swing 3 course.

From this level and up, the class material becomes more open and is adjusted to the  needs of the class participants. You will learn more swingout variations (e.g. Texas  Tommy), more 30s Charleston variations (e.g. S-turn to Tandem Charleston),  as well as  turns with travelling in both triple step and Groove-Walk rhythm. You will also learn how to  spice up your footwork with small variations.

Level guidance

 You need to complete the Swing 3 course to be able to join this class. If you come from  another school, you need to have at least 6 months of swing dance experience to be able  to join this class.


Swing 5 is a continuation from the Swing 4 course.

The class material on this level is more open and it is adjusted to the needs of the class  participants. You will learn some of the more complex moves, such as: Sugar Push, Sailor  Step, Barrel Roll, and Airplane Charleston. The main points of focus will be connection  exercises, turning technique and footwork variations.

Level guidance

You need to complete the Swing 4 course to be able to join this class. If you come from  another school, you need to have at least 8 months of swing dance experience to be able  to join this class.


Swing 6 is a continuation from the Swing 5 course.

It is a course for dancers on an intermediate level, who want to expand their vocabulary of  moves and techniques. You are expected to stay on this level for at least a few rounds of  classes before moving on to a higher level. To keep the classes fresh and interesting,  each round will have a different theme, always with new moves and variations.

Level guidance
You don’t have to audition for this class, but you need to complete the Swing 5 course to be able to join. If you come from another school, you need to have at least 10 months of swing dance experience to be able to join this class.


Themes in Round 6, 2024 (November-December):

Swing 6 Tuesday: “It’s Charleston Time” with Madison & Libor

Let’s revisit our Charleston moves and grooves. We’ll explore various ways to connect with each other, from dancing solo to partnering up side by side and in tandem. Let’s expand our dance vocabulary, get more comfortable, and have fun with this classic and adaptable dance!

Swing 6 Wednesday: “Fun & Playfulness” with Patricia & Alexander

If you ever feel like you’re just dancing the same moves over and over again, then this is the class for you. Here you will learn how to discover new variations for yourself as well as how to have more fun with the steps you already know. You will get tools to be more creative in your dancing and improvise magical and silly moments with your partner. You will also learn how to connect more with the music and discover your own self-expression and dance more like YOU – not anyone else. It’s going to be fun, silly, creative, fun, challenging and – most of all – fun!

Swing 6 Wednesday: “Old Moves Revisited” with Namiko & Lasse

In this course, we will get a bit nostalgic and go back through the most essential of the moves from Swing 1 to Swing 5.
It’s normal to forget a lot of the material you learn along the way and so this class can both be a great chance for you to relearn some of the more classic steps as well as a new chance to master them fully. For each move, we will both work on the technique needed to improve, as well as new variations and playful approaches to the moves.

Description & Level Guidance

ELEF for Everyone is a Lindy Hop course taught in the ELEF style, meaning “Everybody Leads Everybody Follows”. This course is both an offer to people who have finished our previous ELEF courses and also an offer to more experienced dancers who might only know one of the roles and are curious about learning ‘the other side’. Everyone is welcome!

Learning to dance both roles and seamlessly switch between them takes time and practice, but mastering both sides of this wonderful dance is an incredibly exciting and satisfying experience. Learning twice the roles really is twice the fun!


Swing 7 is a class for experienced dancers, where we focus mainly on technique and  quality of the dance. The content of this course is partly shaped by the students. At the  beginning of each round the teachers ask the students what techniques and moves they  would like to work on, and they incorporate the wishes into the course material.

Level guidance

We recommend taking at least two rounds of classes on Swing 6 before signing up for  Swing 7. If you come from another school, we recommend that you have at least 12 months of swing dance experience to be able to join this class.

Obligatory Level Placement for new participants

To ensure a proper level in class, all new participants will have to come to Level  Placement first, to be accepted to the course. Once you have been accepted, you can  continue taking classes on this level in the future rounds as well, without having to come  to Level Placement again.
Read more about Level Placement here


Swing 8 is the highest level in Happy Feet Studio.

This course is dedicated to experienced and skilled dancers, who want to keep on  improving their dancing – the Lindy Hop addicts.

You will work on challenging moves and concepts, with a lot of focus on technique. The  content of this course is partly shaped by the students. At the beginning of each round the  teachers ask the students what techniques and moves they would like to work on, and  they incorporate the wishes into the course material.

Level guidance

This is the highest level of classes in Happy Feet Studio. We recommend taking at least  two rounds of classes on Swing 7 before signing up for Swing 8.

Obligatory Level Placement for new participants

To ensure a proper level in class, all new participants will have to come to Level  Placement first, to be accepted to the course. Once you have been accepted, you can  continue taking classes on this level in the future rounds as well, without having to come  to Level Placement again. Read more about Level Placement here.

Level description


In this course you will learn the basics of Collegiate Shag. We focus on two types of basics. First is the face-to-face basic in both closed and open connection. Next we also work on our side-by-side basic, both on the spot and with travelling patterns. Within those basics we will teach you different turns and spins in a way so you are a ready for a social dancefloor already after this first round.

Level Guidance

You don’t need any prior dance experience to join this course. But if you have danced swing or another dance before, then that’s of course an advantage.


This course is an offer to everyone who already has some experience dancing Collegiate Shag beyond the beginner steps. There will be challenges for Shag dancers of all levels, so if you want to find new inspiration in your Shag dancing, then come join us.

Level Guidance

You need to complete Col. Shag 1 course to be able to join this class.
If you have danced Collegiate Shag in another school before, you need to have at least 2 months of experience to be able to join this class. And please have a dialogue with the teachers if you would like to join to make sure to end in the best suitable level.


Do you want to comfortably dance to very fast swing songs? Then this fast-track course into the world of Collegiate Shag will be perfect for you! This Shag crash-course is for experienced swing dancers that want to learn this wonderful swing dance style. Teachers Teis & Patricia will introduce you to the joys of Shag dancing, exploring the basic elements of the dance as well as the playfulness it offers.

Level Guidance

Swing 7 and up (or equivalent from other schools).

Level description


Focus points in Round 6, 2024 (November-December), taught by Eiki:

In this beginner Solo Jazz class, you will focus on learning the basics while enjoying the great music and fun movements. This particular round of Solo Jazz Beginners will be taught by Eiki, who has decades worth of swing dancing experience to share from. He will teach you classic Jazz routines that are beginner friendly and fun to learn, like the Shim Sham, Jitterbug Stroll and Mamas Stew. The perfect place to start your journey into Solo Jazz dancing.

Level Guidance

You don’t need any prior dance experience to join this course. But if you have danced swing or another dance before, then that’s of course an advantage.


Focus points in Round 6, 2024 (November-December), taught by Jordan:

Authentic Jazz, original steps, proper joy. All served in a light-hearted, high-spirited, and fun way of learning and progressing. Jordan offers a class that is built to accommodate a wide range of levels, from beginners to more experienced. You will be dancing solo and at the same time in a group with other dancers. Solo and yet together, you can immerse yourselves into the extraordinary feelings the jam circle and jam culture can provide. A communal space of protection and elevation, of unique creativity and exploration.

Level Guidance

You should have taken at least a beginner course in Solo Jazz previously, or have a basic knowledge of solo jazz, to be able to join this course. 

Level description

Level Guidance

No previous experience required. We go through basic steps, we dance some nice choreographies, and we introduce you to the very beginning of improvisation.

Level Guidance

This is for you who already have tried tap, and you feel confident in executing basic steps as shuffles and flaps. You can follow the music and maybe you want to bang the floor by your own.

Level Guidance

You have already tap danced for one good year, and you want to improve and try different styles and rhythms. You have a basic understanding of tap musicality and improvisation.

Level Guidance

You have been tap dancing for 2-3 years and you have a good library of steps, rhythms, tap music structure, you are quick to learn new material, and you are familiar with some improvisation.


In the Swing Choir, we’ll sing some famous jazzy & swingy tunes, maybe even in different harmonies, in a fun and entertaining way. The choir is led by Christine Schøtt. Christine has a master (cand.phil.) in musicology and is an experienced singer, voice coach (Anne Rosing Institute) and choral conductor. On top of that, she loves to tap and Lindy Hop!

Level Guidance

No previous experience is required to join, just a desire to try something unique and have a great time. As a bonus, you can obtain an even better understanding of the great swing tunes that you love dancing to! So come sing and swing with the choir!